Covid-19 policy

About my rental

As the impact of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) continues to evolve worldwide, Diamondmykonostransfers responsibly monitors coronavirus (Covid-19) daily.
We are constantly informed about the instructions of the World Health Organization and the National Organization of Public Health, regarding its spread. Our goal is to meet your needs, while at the same time taking care to keep you and our employees safe.
If an employee or customer is positive to coronavirus, a procedure of immediate disinfection of the car is done as well as a medical examination of all employees who have participated in the rental process.
It is noted that all information regarding possible cases of coronavirus is handled exclusively by the National Organization of Public Health and the General Secretariat for Civil Protection.
Recognizing that our customers need even more flexibility in the ever-changing environment, we have made changes to provide you with the ultimate service.


Our company shows intensive care in thoroughly cleaning the cars to insure the safety of the customers.
We encourage both our staff and the customer to follow the precautionary measures through the regular use of hand sanitizer. To ensure hygiene, we take care of the excellent cleanliness of our station and our cars.
In particular, we pay special attention to all points of contact, such as seats, steering wheel, door handles, as well as other surfaces of the cars.
Our store is equipped with antiseptic liquid, wipes and protective masks which are available to all customers.
We recommend to everyone the constant update for new information from the World Health Organization and the National Organization of Public Health.

Frequenty asked questions

– If I have a rental vehicle from Diamondmykonostransfers and I test positive for coronavirus (COVID -19), what should I do?

In case you are positive for coronavirus (COVID -19) please contact us immediately by calling our offices.

– If I am obliged to enter or am already in self-isolation following the relevant instructions of the proper authorities regarding the prevention of spreading of coronavirus (COVID -19) and I can not return the rented vehicle, what should I do?

In this case, please contact our company while avoiding contact with the vehicle and its keys.

– If I am in an excluded area and cannot return my rented vehicle, what should I do?

In this case please avoid contact with the vehicle and its keys and contact us immediately. We will arrange for the vehicle to be picked up after the end of the exclusion of the area you are in, either form the company or you.

– Is there a limit to the number of passengers in the vehicles?

According to relevant ministerial decisions in Greece, due to the COVID-19 measures, there is a restriction on the passengers of all vehicles throughout the country.

• For vehicles up to 7 seats, there is a limit of 4 passengers in total (1 driver and 3 passengers)

• For vehicles with 8 or 9 seats, there is a limit of 6 passengers in total (1 driver and 5 passengers)

There is an exception for families with children, where passengers can reach the maximum number allowed (equal to the number of seats in a car). In this case, only parents and children are allowed in the car. Adult children must present identification documents to the Authorities.

About the hygiene of our vehicles

After each rental, the vehicle is cleaned, both externally and internally, according to the Company’s procedures. For the prevention and protection from the coronavirus, the company has issued instructions, after contacting the proper authorities, to all employees involved in the process of delivery of vehicles.

-How cars are cleaned if a customer is confirmed or suspected of being infected by COVID-19?

In case there is such suspicion or it is confirmed that a customer is found positive with coronavirus (COVID-19), the company has established new, stricter cleaning protocols that include both the removal of the vehicle from usage and the disinfection by a specialized partner.

-What do I do if I have already booked a car and my trip is affected by travel restrictions?

If you have already booked a car with Diamondmykonostransfers and you are facing restrictions, due to the Coronavirus, at the rental destination, you can at any time modify or cancel your reservation at our Customer Service Department calling:+306976528078 or by sending an email to:

If you have questions about past or future rentals, please contact us.